Time to up date, We had a open house last weekend with no lookers. Kind of depressing, but maybe two weeks in a row was to much. With Easter coming up maybe people are busy.
We have been re energizing our efforts to clean and get rid of more stuff.
Wendy was reading articles on prepping for house sales.
Well the kids will be over for Easter they will have more to take home than eggs and candy :).
The camper will remain in storage for a couple more weeks. We want to get it home, as there are still projects we want to do.
We'll probably go camping to Bong the first weekend in May. A little tradition of taking a couple of the grandkids fishing.
Bong is a state park only 20 mi. from home. It was an area that was to be a airfield around WWII, but only got as far as the ground work. It has a small lake and plenty of hiking trails.
Our summer plans are starting to fill. Memorial weekend will be by Wendys parents near Necedah.
The 4th will be at Ottawa state park.
Labor day is a Jellystone park by Janesville.
A long week in Aug. is planned for a trip to North Dakota with Randy and Lyn (Wendys Bro and sig. other). Hopefully we route home through S.Dakota for license and residency.
We have a Halloween weekend at Pardeeville also planned.
So, with a wedding and a graduation we should be busy. Gotta luv summer!!