Wheres Ray/Wendy yr 2

Monday, August 26, 2013

Greetings from Mukwonago

Hello all,
 We have now come full circle back to where we started from.Currently we are mooch camping at Randy and Lynn's house. They have a great place with a nice view of Phantom Lake.
  It has been quite a trip. The numbers aren't real staggering and that is by plan. We want to take our time and not try to see everything right away. You learn real quick that staying in one place for a time saves money. Breaking it down by miles, we put on the truck 15,000 miles. Of that 4,500 was towing. We logged 30 different stops.
  As this is not a full year we will wait to compute our cost of full time living. So now that we are back we will be busy. We have a very full calendar with trying to see everyone and get to appointments. We have a couple nice family campouts planned and an Excel outing. We figure to be here til early October then head off to the unknown.)
  We looked back on our time in South Dakota and figured some savings of camp hosting. We spent 104 nights there @ $24. per night= $2496. We used our VIP comp passes given to area volunteers for $500. worth of admittances. We received our annual state park sticker for $30. Earned four free nights camping in SD parks worth $96. All told about $3100. for our 3-1/2 months there. Pretty good for volunteering in a beautiful area to boot.
  As for our future plans things had been pretty quiet. We had applications in a few places then wham! Three emails in one day. We had a good offer from Okefenokee swamp, a referral for a maintenance position in Texas and a camp host job in AZ. Wow- now what to do? We are leaning toward the Arizona job, as the only time we have spent in the southwest were some trips to Las Vegas. We'll keep ya posted.
  On Saturday we got together with some friends from high school. Yes, I know that's hard to believe.We have gotten together with this group almost every Christmas for a party. Then when we hit the big 40 we began a 40 whiners party during the summer. Of course it is now a 50 whiners, but it is always great to get back with them. It is fun to hear of their about grandkids and just how everyone is doing. We are lucky to have such great friends and surely do miss the X-mas gathering.
Tom, Susie, John, Judy, Dennis, JoAnn and us. Missing 3 other couples.
It's hard to believe we are back in WI. The time went sooo fast!


  1. Yes, workamping sure saves money, not only on space rent, but too busy to do much of anything else. We save so much on diesel not towing or driving around every day too. It balances out when we're moving. Thanks for the email about Custer. Not sure what the future holds yet after Florida, but we'll get an application in for sure!

  2. We will be in Mesa Arizona from mid October through December. Let us know where you end up. Hopefully we can get together.
